One Pose, Four Ways (Lifestyle Newborn Edition)

photography tips May 09, 2023
Lifestyle Newborn session poses

As the saying goes, “variety is the spice of life that gives it all its flavor”! And we couldn’t agree more with our dear friend and 18th-century poet, William Cowper! ๐Ÿ˜‚ When it comes to our sessions we want our clients to be WOW’ed at the variety of the images they receive. This does not mean we have to pose our clients in a bazillion different poses to make that happen though! In fact, we prefer to have as FEW poses as possible!

This is key as a newborn photographer because space is often limited inside homes, especially those precious little nurseries! Limiting the number of times we are changing positions and poses means that mama (who just delivered a baby!) is more comfortable too. We are always lookin’ out for our new mamas!

Okay, okay… this all sounds great, but how?! We have a little formula we want to share with you for your next session. It’s the 3:2:1,180! And it goes like this... 

  1. 3: Wide shot

    The goal here is to get as wide as you can! Get the entire body in the frame and showcase more of the space/room.

  2. 2: Tighter in

    Move in a little closer to your clients. Think of this as the waist up image that focuses more on the subject.

  3. 1: Details

    This is the image that focuses on a detail! This frame is likely filled with your subjects and therefore has little to none of the surrounding space.

  4. 180º: Angles

    Move your shooting perspective 180º around your client! Changing up your angles, changes up your images without making ANY other adjustments.

Shooting like this will result in a wide variety of images quickly, we promise! You won’t feel the need to constantly be changing your subjects all the time or coming up with new poses - yay! The more you think of 3:2:1, 180 the more natural it will become and you’ll be amazed at the amount of variety you see!



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